Central Ohio is now home to a new nonprofit dedicated to recycling efforts statewide. “Today (March 7), I’m pleased to announce the launch of a new futures driven nonprofit recycling trade association, the Ohio Recycling Coalition,” Renee Navarre, Delaware resident and CEO for the Ohio Recycling Coalition, states in a press release issued by the nonprofit. In addition to her new role, Navarre serves as president/owner of Enviro-Source Waste Solutions LLC, a waste consulting firm focused on reducing commercial clients’ waste spend while increasing landfill diversion. During a recent Ohio Recycling Coalition board meeting, Bob Gedert, senior consultant for Resource Recycling Systems, was elected president of the Ohio Recycling Coalition’s Board of Directors. Gedert also serves as president of the Board of Directors for the National Recycling Coalition. The Ohio Recycling Coalition Board of Directors, in turn, approved the employment of Arley Owens as the coalition’s new executive director. “I am excited to be the board president and a charter member for the Ohio Recycling Coalition, which we have established to assist in the positive financial impact of Ohio’s recycling industry, while providing for a sustainable future for our next generation,” Gedert said. “Working in step with Renee Navarre and Arley Owens, our overarching goal is to make a major difference in Ohio’s sustainable focused businesses and the recycling industry. “Together, we will strive to align the Ohio Recycling Coalition’s mission with that of the National Recycling Coalition, which is, ‘To partner with and facilitate activities between and among non-profit organizations, businesses, trade associations, individuals and government to maintain a prosperous and productive American recycling system that is committed to the conservation of natural resources.” Owens, a recycling advocate and career sustainability professional, added, “I am honored to be the first executive director for the Ohio Recycling Coalition. Renee, Bob and I have crafted an aggressive action plan designed to serve Ohio’s recycling, reuse, remanufacturing and waste minimization businesses. “This month, we will also kickoff an Ohio Recycling Coalition Charter Membership Drive for like-minded individuals, along with sustainable focused businesses, organizations, colleges, universities and government agencies who wish to join with us to work together to build a better and brighter sustainable economic future for Ohio’s next generation,” Owens said. The Ohio Recycling Coalition’s purpose is to provide business resource assistance for new start-up and established recycling, reuse, remanufacturing and waste minimization focused businesses.
The Ohio Recycling Coalition is headquartered at the Dublin Entrepreneurial Center, 565 Metro Place S., Suite 300, Dublin, OH 43017.
For more information on the new recycling coalition, visit www.orcreycles.org
or contact Owens at aowens@orcrecycles.org or 614-571-7954.
Excerpt from the Delaware Gazette, published 3/12/18.
Information for this story was provided by the Ohio Recycling Coalition.